Dream Money Slot Machine

To see or win money in your dream indicates that success and prosperity is within your reach. Money represents confidence, self-worth, success, or values. You have much belief in yourself. Alternatively, dreaming about money refers to your attitudes about love and matters of the heart. It is a common symbol for sexuality and power. Dreams of scoring big at a slot machine or game show, or finding $10,000 extra dollars in your wallet, can symbolize self-confidence, and a belief in your goals. Your subconscious is ready for you. Dream about winning money slot machine expresses success, prosperity, luck, fertility and warm friendships. You feel you need to take responsibility for your actions. You are careful with who you let into your life. Your dream signals a strong sense of spirituality and divinity. You are making a drastic change in your life.

Dream About Winning Money:Dreaming about winning money could be an indication of great success and prosperity that is within your reach.

Money usually represents confidence, success, values, self-worth, great potential and great possibilities. This is a sign that you truly believe in yourself.

Table of Contents

  • Why We Dream Of Winning Money
  • Common Dreams About Winning Money

Not A Common Dream

Despite the fact that most people are preoccupied with money. How to find it, how to make more of it or how to spend it, money dreams aren’t very common.

Often times we are all highly likely to dream about personal aspects of our lives like home life, high school, love, sex and so on. Read more:Dream About Finding Money

The subconscious is actually showing us that we find these personal aspects of ourselves very important and that is why we dream about them more than we dream about money.

We actually value more the things that money can’t buy as much as it seems the opposite.

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Even if we don’t dream of money and winning big that often, still we possess a high value for materialism and this is why that image of a beautiful home in Malibu will creep in our dreams.

Or that one of those Christiano Ronaldo’s cars or the one where we are on a luxurious yacht. Such dreams of material things are also a way for us to dream about money indirectly.

Winning Money Dreams

It could be a dream about hitting the jackpot, winning good money in an online slot machine game or just winning a lot of money on a TV show or raffle ticket competition.

This is a good sign that shows that your subconscious is actually ready for that big win in your waking life too.


Why We Dream Of Winning Money

There are various reasons why we dream of winning money and they are as follows:

  1. Success Is Right Around The Corner

Often times when people have this dream, it is because they are about to experience a big win in their lives. They have been working hard and finally, that hard work is almost paying off.

The success will taste as sweet as winning a lot of money and the joy will definitely be similar. When you have this dream, never slacken your efforts but instead, put up more effort to make the big win day come closer.

  1. Optimistic About A Great Success

You could be optimistic and positive in everything that you do and are therefore sure of your success.


If you have this dream, then this means that your optimism is well founded and combined with your efforts you will experience great success. Keep being optimistic and putting more efforts towards your success.

  1. You Have Been Betting and Gambling

You might have signed up for multiple betting sites and online casinos. Every gambler dreams of hitting the jackpot both in their waking life and in their dreams.

They will dream of this great life after winning a jackpot. Often times they will dream about the event in detail. The phone call and how their winning is announced on TV, how they are awarded the cash prize in full color and pomp.

In this case, it is their subconscious manifesting itself as a result of their determination to win big from betting.

  1. Obsessed With Winning

Your obsession with winning might be causing you to have a recurring dream about winning money.

You might be entering every draw in town and hoping to win by closely monitoring the announcement of winners, hoping that your name will be mentioned.

Such obsession is unhealthy and when you have dreams of winning money, it could be a way for your subconscious to let you know that your obsession with winning is getting out hand.

  1. A Close Person To You Won Big Money

It could have been a friend or a relative that has won big money. The event could have been in your thoughts a lot and your subconscious could just be bringing it up in your dreams because maybe you unconsciously envy this close person who has won the lottery.

  1. Your Happiness Is Derived From Material Possessions.

The Dream Slot Machine

You might be too obsessed with acquiring material possessions and spend every waking minute thinking about how you are going to get more money.

You could be fantasizing a lot about winning the lottery and the things you are going to buy after you win. Having this dream could be a sign that you need to focus on other sources of happiness that don’t involve money.

Common Dreams About Winning Money

There are common dreams about winning money.

  1. Dream About Winning The Lottery

This dream could be a sign that you will experience great success where others have tried and lost. It could be success in your career or winning the heart of a lady you have had in your sights for a long time.

It could also be a project that many have tried and failed but you end up seeing it to completion. This could be the encouragement you need to pursue something that seems difficult for many.

  1. Dream About Being Publicly Announced As The Jackpot Winner

When you dream that the stage is abuzz with confetti, lights, music and your name is called out as the winner and that you are walking up the stage to receive your cheque, then this is definitely a good dream that you will wake up smiling from.

This dream is a sign that your success will become public knowledge and that your community will witness it.

  1. Dream About Winning Money From A Fight

You can have this dream where you fight in a ring, beat your opponent and win the prize money. This dream is a sign that your success will not come easy.

You will need to fight your way through many obstacles. It will probably be a long and tiresome fight but if you stay determined you will definitely emerge triumphantly.

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There are many dreams about winning money, often time we wake up feeling disappointed. This dream is one of those that you will wish were real because waking life is ridden with many problems that a good deal of money could solve.

However, we should always consider such dreams a good sign. Look at the dream from a positive angle and work towards making that big win in your waking life and it doesn’t have to be money-oriented.

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